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Heavenly Father, I thank You for deciding to choose me to be the bearer of my children. You have blessed me with the privilege to take care of them and for that I am most grateful. 


Father, I ask You today, that You would place Your hand of protection upon my children. That You would go before them today and make their paths straight. 


Father may they feel Your loving presence with them today as You keep them close to You and in your protection.  


May You protect them when I cannot see them and keep them safe from unseen dangers. 


Thank You that your promise is to have angels on assignment to protect my children.


Today I choose to trust You with my children. 


I thank You for Your love towards them.  


Thank You for hearing my prayers. 





Heavenly Father, I thank You that when we come to You, we can have confidence.


Today I present my children before You. I place their anxieties and fears before Your presence and ask that You would dispel the feelings which cause them to fear moving forward and enjoying life in its fullest. 


I pray that You would give them courage to take steps which their minds fail to fully understand. That You would cause them to be risk-takers because this is when they can truly discover their full potential. 


Father may their hearts be filled with passions which are connected to fulfilling their purpose and may these desires drive them forward. 


You are truly a God who cares for the hearts of Your children, so I pray You will protect the heart of my children, that they would grow strong and courageous. 


Thank You for answered prayers. 





Heavenly Father, I thank You today for Your promises of life and life in abundance. 


I thank You that it is Your desire for my children to prosper and be in good health. They are Your children and You knew Your plans for them before they were born. 


Today I present my children to You and ask that You heal them from any sickness or disease; that You would not let it come near them. That You would protect them from deadly viruses and illness. 


I have hope and faith that You will save and protect my children because they truly belong to You. It is my desire that You take care of them both now and forever. 


I thank You and trust that You will.





Heavenly Father, I thank You that You have created us to be social people. 


You have placed in our hearts a desire to always connect with those around us. Thank You for the privilege of good relationships. 


Father, as my children grow, may they learn to develop healthy friendships, those which will serve them and not subtract from who You have created them to be. 


May they love deeply and be a blessing to the friends they have been blessed with. May You cause them to have life-long friends because of the strength of the bonds they have grown to develop. 


May my children be fulfilled in their friendships and live a life of adventure which they can enjoy with their friends. May they always build on the pillars of trust, love, transparency and honesty. 


Father, if any one of my children are feeling lonely or without good friendships, may You bring the right people into their lives which will refresh their hearts.


Thank You Father as You have said it is not good for people to live their lives alone. Thank You that You will fulfil the need of friendship in my children and in turn cause them to be supportive to others.  




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